Heat-retaining fireplace from Nordpeis
Heat-retaining fireplaces make heating more comfortable and efficient. They emit heat over a long period, even after the fire has been extinguished. By heating your home with a heat-retaining fireplace, you save both money and the environment.
Get to know our heat-retaining fireplaces:
What is a heat-retaining fireplace?
A heat-retaining fireplace is an arrangement similar to a regular fireplace where the insert is normally placed within a surround.
The surround can consist of various non-combustible materials. Our precast surrounds are made of reinforced special concrete.
Heat-retaining fireplaces have a channel system that stores the heat before gradually releasing it over time.
Our heat-retaining fireplaces are based on an extensive channel system to store optimal amounts of heat in the core, which is released over time.
The efficiency of a well-constructed heat-retaining fireplace far surpasses the efficiency of a regular fireplace.
With proper firing, it's enough to light the fire twice a day for consistent warmth in the house.
How Nordpeis heat-storing fireplace works
Conventional fireplaces emit intense heat during operation however they cool very quickly. This provides a smoorther and more efficient heat.
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